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Barrie's first book, can be ordered in the bookshops. It is published by Janus Books with an ISBN number 1  85766  494  4  - An opportunity to join Barrie in some of his exciting experiences in different parts of the world. From the Southernmost point of South America to the northernmost of Norway and around the world in 4 days covering San Francisco, Hawaii, Australia and Hong Kong! An ideal opportunity to learn much more about the dos and don'ts when travelling abroad.

A second book was written but not published. If you want to read it here on line, just click on - I've come to Take You Home

Alternatively, if you want to learn  some more specific and detailed facts relating to Holiday and Travel insurance you can click here for
'don't forget the travel insurance'

click here to find out more about
'how the repatriation system works'
in times of crisis.


You can order book 1 online at

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then type in 'The Winged Medic'

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The Publisher (Janus Books)
and the ISBN number 1  85766  494  4